Plan your holiday
When you become an RVI Destinations member you can choose from more than 4 500 resorts in over 100 countries worldwide through RVI’s exchange system.
Use the availability grid to help you select your destination and time of travel.
And we do whatever it takes. We often look in unexpected places or off the beaten path, because dream holidays don’t come in one-size-fits-all packages.
Your purchase of the RVI Destinations product shows you’re smart about getting the most from your holiday investment. You also know that getting a lot doesn’t necessarily mean spending a lot.
In this website, we will explore all the ways RVI Destinations can deliver your holiday dreams. And anytime you have a question or just need some suggestions, give the owner services consultant in your country a call.
- Ensure that booking fees are paid.
- Bookings can be made as early as 365 days and as late as 14 days before you wish to travel (subject to flight availability and visa requirements)
- For bookings made between 365 days and 30 days before departure, the following destinations are more likely to be available: Spain, Mexico, Tenerife, and Orlando.
- Popular destinations and travel dates go quickly, so flexibility is the key to make sure you get what you want.
- Accommodation during Easter, Christmas, New Year, school and public holidays is very limited. REMEMBER: The booking fee is payable on confirmation of your booking.
As an owner of RVI Destinations, you have an incredible selection of holiday destinations to choose from
We’ve made booking your holiday very easy but remember, because there is a limit to the time and space available at all resorts, make sure you follow these steps – and book early!
- Booking fees and Travel requirements. Ensure all fees and installments are fully paid up, that your passport is valid and you have enough time to apply for the relevant visas.
- Make contact. Call your owner services consultant and make an appointment to see them. Alternatively, you can phone, fax or e-mail your regional office. They will advise you of the necessary procedures as well as resort availability. Remember to have your RVI Destinations membership number handy.
- Make your choice and request your holiday We recommend that you choose at least three travel resorts/ destinations and try and be flexible about the week you would like to go – the wider the net, the more chance of getting an early confirmation. Remember to also let the consultant know how many people are travelling
- The request is forwarded to RVI in South Africa.
- Once the booking is reserved you will receive a confirmation letter.
- The booking fee has to be paid and the membership must be paid and up to date for at least 50% of the membership value.
Cancellation of reservations
Cancelling your booking 45 days and less prior to date of occupation, will lead to forfeiture of your booking fee as well as your RVI Destinations week unless we receive written proof of death or any other tragic event. Any cancellations made 46 days and more before date of occupation will not result in any loss at all.
No reservation can be honored without your Confirmation Letter so please make sure you take it with you so you can present it when you check-in. Your confirmation letter also provides you with valuable information on the resort check in and out times, directions, facilities, services, any additional charges, as well as activities at or near the resort.